It’s one thing to have multiple children, and quite another to discover that each child has multiple intelligences!
This week the Flying Cape team had a special treat: a fully-professional filming session with mommy blogger Tracey Or and her five little ones (Charmaine 12, Ryan 10, Emma 7, Faith 4 and Jubilee 7months).
We were excited to interview this big family of seven to find out what they thought about the concept of Multiple Intelligences, a theory first founded by Howard Gardner which discovered eight distinctive intelligences abilities: musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.
For simplicity, we can also call these intelligences “Smarts”, as follows:
“It’s amazing how each child is uniquely different.” shared Tracey, who has been a stay-home mum for seven years and home-schools the older two of her five children. “There’s truly no “one-size fits all” in developing the children. I’ve discovered that each of my children have distinctively different interests and abilities and the Multiple Intelligence Development Assesment Scales (“MIDAS”) tool, has shed more light in understanding the unique intelligences of each of my children, and how to find the right opportunities for my children to develop in them!”
The set of 27 quiz questions, which profiled four of Tracey’s five children, according to their intelligences was developed by Dr Branton Shearer and lauded by Dr Gardner:
“To my knowledge, MIDAS represents the first effort to measure the Multiple Intelligences, which have been developed according to standard psychometric procedures. Branton Shearer is to be congratulated for the careful and cautious way in which he has created his instrument and offered guidance for its use and interpretation.” — Howard Gardner, Harvard University
The good news is, this test and profiling will soon be available absolutely free. You can do the test at home and receive a report. You can also bring this report down to the Happy Sparks Fair at the Expo from 10-13 Nov 2016. Look for the Multiple Intelligence Zone run by Flying Cape where our trained Education Advocates will interpret the results for you.
Coming up soon: Watch out for our exclusive interview with Tracey and her children on their personal intelligences discovered by the test!